“Police officers communicate with White and Black citi- zens in divergent ways. White men in our stimulus set experienced more friendly and respectful prosody than Black men."
The more “stereotypically Black” a black murderer looks, the more experimental participants were willing to punish the offender, but only when the victim was white.
Priming experimental subjects with pictures of apes makes them perceive police violence against Black suspects as more justified than against white suspects. “Participants who were primed with apes thought that the police were more justified in beating the Black suspect."
“Simply bringing to mind a Black (vs. White) juvenile offender led participants to view juveniles in general as significantly more similar to adults in their inherent culpability and to express more support for severe sentencing."
“When officers were given no information other than a face and when they were explicitly directed to make judgments of criminality, race played a significant role in how those judgments were made."
“Indeed, we found that when Whites were exposed to a ‘Blacker’ prison population, they became significantly more fearful of crime, which, in turn, increased their support of punitive crime policies."
“We observe racial disparities in officer respect even in police utterances from the initial 5% of an interaction, suggesting that officers speak differently to community members of different races even before the driver has had the opportunity to say much at all."