“Black and Hispanic complainants are much less likely to have their allegations of police misconduct sustained. Black complainants are 4.2 times more likely that their misconduct allegation will culminate in the exoneration of the police officer."
“Results revealed that Black (vs. White) people were more likely to be frisked, searched, arrested, and have force used against them. Critically, these racial disparities were more pronounced for people stopped in groups (vs. alone)."
“Black citizens were more likely than white citizens to be shot at when comparing the known race/ethnicity of citizens who discharged firearms against officers in California” (but fatalities were not significantly different nationally).
“Officers’ accounts excuse, justify, or otherwise negate the role of race in routine police work, yet officers’ thoughts and actions are based on racialized and, at times, dehumanizing narratives about people and communities of color."
“stop-and-frisk reduced turnout among registered voters in midterm and mayoral elections… Black, male, and older citizens were the most strongly demobilized by stop-and-frisk."
“Our analyses indicate that the [Tampa] PD’s bicycle enforcement did not produce a community benefit in terms of crime reduction but did burden individual bicyclists, particularly Black bicyclists."
“The police tend to concentrate on factors that have little to do with the presence of drugs in a car. Most importantly, the police focus on African American men and Hispanic men despite the fact that white men, and even white women, are more apt to have drugs in the car."