“Blue Lives Matter emphasizes that police officers are subject to violence from criminals. Shifting the vulnerability in this way suggests that police vulnerability trumps black vulnerability… it is a solipsistic ‘put the focus back on us’ move."
“Chicago police were 20 to 50 percent more likely to give sticker citations to vehicles parked in black neighborhoods compared to vehicles parked in non-black neighborhoods. The effect is robust to controls for annual employment levels and is not driven by … compliance."
"[Black officers] emphatically believe the blue shield impedes transparency and silences them from sharing their true feelings regarding the deadly force shooting involving their White counterparts… [One] feels the symbolic blue shield is meant to absolve police officers."
The Supreme Court’s Strieff decision “fails to recognize how the opinion encourages dragnet policing, including racially targeted dragnet policing, without fear of liability, civil or otherwise."
“It can be tempting to equate racial disparities in policing with racist police officers and make the common mistake of singling out the ‘few bad apples’ … Rather than a problem that only a few police officers face … race affects the judgments and decisions we all make."
“84% of black adults said that, in dealing with police, blacks are generally treated less fairly than whites. A much smaller share of whites—though still a 63% majority—said the same."
“Black officers expressed concerns over the way in which different races and social classes are policed. Half of black officers did not believe police are impartial based on … income status, and nearly two-thirds believe that there are racial differentials in treatment."
“As [a state’s] liberal population increased 1% point, the likelihood of Black police killings decreased at a rate of 3.700% (0.963)… as the size of the Black population increases across states, there is a subsequent decrease in police shootings at a rate of 16.500%."