“In each of the past four reports, we have found evidence that minority motorists are subject to searches much more frequently relative to their non-Hispanic White counterparts despite those searches being far less successful."
“Intertwined with the disparate treatment of same-sex couples is the issue of race. … All other racial combinations were less likely to result in dual arrest than those in which both parties were White. … police are taking incidents involving Whites more seriously."
“The findings here indicate a potential that [police] stereotype those they might encounter on the street. It is difficult … to determine if this finding confirms that respondents are either ‘profiling’ the person described in the vignette or experiencing implicit bias."
“People hold subconscious beliefs that Black youth are perceived as adult-like, and Black male adults are subhuman, superhuman, criminal, and violent. … Police work attracts individuals with … high collective identity orientation, conformity and power values."
“The virtual absence of accounts of the police in the context of discussions of racial identity, or even discrimination, by White respondents underscores the gulf that separates Black and White Americans’ experiences of police encounters."