“By comparing the punishments given to black and white… students who fight one another… We find that black and poor students are, in fact, punished more harshly than the students with whom they fight."
“Perhaps the individual police officers do not intend to discriminate. … The question of intent should be reframed. Do we as a nation intend to collectively consider the evidence, or will we exercise the collective intent to ignore the evidence?"
“Blacks are subject to much greater odds of search and therefore arrest. This is particularly true among men, and especially so among younger men. Further, the trends are growing, not disappearing, over time."
“Schools are more likely to criminalize problem behaviors by students of color, with subsequent greater risk for involvement with the criminal justice system, while medicalizing problem behavior by students who are White."
“Minority group threat can, in part, account for police acquisition of military equipment… The value of militarized property received is consistent with social control responses in which overwhelming force is used toward both Black and Hispanic minority populations."