“First, the repeated stopping of citizens is almost solely a Black experience. The concentration of motor vehicle stops across all citizens was completely driven by the concentration of those stops across Black citizens."
“In addition to the racial disparity in the numbers of children exposed to harmful school police practices, the nature of the harm is disproportionately severe and uniquely far-reaching for nonwhite students."
The authors find no disparities in the decision to “stop” as part of NY’s stop-and-frisk program, but “find suggestive evidence of police bias in the decision to frisk."
“While both high and low performing [Cincinnati officer] groups disproportionately stopped Black drivers, the low performing group had a significantly higher rate of racial disproportionality than the high performing group."
“Using street stops [as the denominator], black citizens were approximately 2.5 times as likely to be fatally shot in 2015 and 2016, and about 2.4 times as likely to be fatally shot in 2017."
“Disparities between blacks and whites are prominent in most [Vermont] jurisdictions, with blacks facing a higher probability of being stopped, of receiving harsher penalties, and of being arrested and searched."
“Differential policing and differential perceptions of the police may in turn be relevant to explaining crime differences between neighborhoods of different race/ethnic compositions… [and] further deteriorate the neighborhood’s capacity to address problems like crime."
“Police and peace officers need to be retrained to understand their own racial biases and formulate more equitable approaches to the treatment of individuals who they have not readily encountered during their upbringing."